How to buy $YAFA

Contract Address

In order to buy YAFA, you will first need to purchase the native currency of the Solana Blockchain which is called SOL and then swap it for YAFA tokens.

The symbol for Solana is SOL
The symbol for YAFA tokens is YAFA

Once you have purchased SOL you can then proceed to swap your SOL for YAFA tokens and store them in your digital wallet.


How to Buy SOL

Option 1:
through a Crypto Exchange

Option 2: through the Phantom Wallet

Buying SOL through the Phantom App

  1. Download the Phantom wallet from the app store.
  2. Open the app and press the BUY button, then choose Solana.
  3. Enter the amount of SOL you wish to buy.
  4. Proceed with the process where you will be taken to a third-party payment processor to take the payment from your card.
  5. Once the payment is completed, click the home button at the bottom left of the app to see your SOL balance in your wallet.

Sending SOL to Your Phantom Wallet from the Exchange

  1. Retrieve the alphanumeric wallet address of your Phantom account:
    • Click on Solana in your account and then click RECEIVE.
    • A QR code and the receiving wallet address will be displayed. Copy the address.
  2. Use the copied address to initiate a transfer from your exchange account.
    • Ensure you select the Solana network for the transaction.
  3. IMPORTANT: First do a small test transfer (e.g., $5 worth of SOL) to confirm it arrives in your Phantom wallet. Then repeat the process for the remaining balance.
  4. The transfer should be completed within 1 minute, depending on your exchange.

Swapping SOL for YAFA in the Phantom Wallet

  1. Once you have SOL in your Phantom wallet, click on SWAP.
  2. Enter the amount of SOL you wish to swap for YAFA.
  3. Select the token to swap and search for YAFA.
    • IMPORTANT: Ensure you choose the correct YAFA token, as there may be imitations or scams.
    • Verify the token's alphanumeric address by clicking on the information for the YAFA token presented to you.
    • The correct address is: YAFAJvjUv9MVAKcTE7Y8ouo45QNKVK6fCMzdxt2tjPs.
  4. Once verified, proceed with the swap process.

Important Notes:

  • You cannot exchange 100% of your SOL to YAFA because a small amount of SOL is required to cover transaction fees.
  • Example: If you have 10 SOL and want to swap it for YAFA, swap 9.98 SOL to ensure you have enough SOL left for fees.

Securing your assets

  • When downloading the Phantom wallet for the first time you will be given a 12 word recovery phrase. This phrase is required in case you lose your phone, delete the app by accident etc.
  • IMPORTANT -- do not store your recovery phrase in digital format / email it to anyone / save it on your phone / screenshot it to your photos etc!
  • Write it down on a piece of paper and store 2 copies in different locations that are safe.
  • If you lose your recovery phrase you will not be able to restore your wallet.
  • If you are securing larger amounts of Yafa or digital assets in general then we recommend using a hardware wallet such as a Ledger device ( )

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